LeEco’s Official U.S. Website Suddenly Shut Down

LeEco is in the news once again and unfortunately, it is still not about the rebound of the company’s fortunes. Just recently, LeEco’s U.S office complex was photographed by a reported showing lots of empty office spaces with just a few workers left of what started out as a buzzing outfit hoping to make its mark in the lucrative U.S market. Now the U.S division of LeEco has suddenly taken down its official website. The web address www.leeco.com now redirects to the Chinese version and even when the www.leeco.com/us is entered, it displays a page showing the website is temporarily unavailable.

LeEco’s U.S website went online last year when the company launched its first products in the U.S. Specifically, it has been 11 months since that launch which took place in October last year. Since then, the company has been offering up its products like smartphones, TV and a few other services but has been struggling with the sales with the company shedding off some of its liabilities and chose to focus on a much smaller Chinese market with its products and internet services.

The company disclosed that the shutdown was made in order to carry out maintenance on the website and that it would be back online on September 15 which is this coming Friday. However, the shutdown is a reflection of the level of relevance of the website to LeEco. It is unusual for a tech company to shut down its website for a week-long maintenance, especially a sales website. But then, LeEco is all embroiled in financial difficulties and this may likely noyt be unconnected to that. We still do hope the company stages a comeback sometime soon.
LeEco’s Official U.S. Website Suddenly Shut Down LeEco’s Official U.S. Website Suddenly Shut Down Reviewed by SpOOn on September 10, 2017 Rating: 5

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