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We are Here to Deliver Current Tricks , Tips & Offers. Keep an Eye with Us & Live a Digital Life With Technological Move Using Tips & Tricks. Here is the another Tip.
We are Here to Deliver Current Tricks , Tips & Offers. Keep an Eye with Us & Live a Digital Life With Technological Move Using Tips & Tricks. Here is the another Tip.
1. Circuits and Electronics , MIT Course
The course introduces the fundamentals of the lumped circuit abstraction.
The course introduces the fundamentals of the lumped circuit abstraction.
2. Electromagnetics and Applications , MIT Course
This course explores electromagnetic phenomena in modern applications, including wireless communications, circuits, computer interconnects and peripherals, optical fibre links and components, microwave communications and radar, antennas, sensors.
This course explores electromagnetic phenomena in modern applications, including wireless communications, circuits, computer interconnects and peripherals, optical fibre links and components, microwave communications and radar, antennas, sensors.
3. Introduction to Electric Power Systems , MIT Course
This course is an introductory subject in the field of electric power systems and electrical to mechanical energy conversion.
This course is an introductory subject in the field of electric power systems and electrical to mechanical energy conversion.
4. Micro/Nano Processing Technology , MIT Course
This course introduces the theory and technology of micro/nano fabrication. Lectures and laboratory sessions focus on basic processing techniques such as diffusion, oxidation, photolithography, chemical vapor deposition, and more.
This course introduces the theory and technology of micro/nano fabrication. Lectures and laboratory sessions focus on basic processing techniques such as diffusion, oxidation, photolithography, chemical vapor deposition, and more.
5. Principles of Digital Communications I , MIT Course
The course serves as an introduction to the theory and practice behind many of today's communications systems.
The course serves as an introduction to the theory and practice behind many of today's communications systems.
6. Principles of Digital Communication II , MIT Course
This course is the second of a two-term sequence. The focus is on coding techniques for approaching the Shannon limit of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels, their performance analysis, and design principles.
This course is the second of a two-term sequence. The focus is on coding techniques for approaching the Shannon limit of additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels, their performance analysis, and design principles.
7. Management in Engineering , MIT Course
This course serves as an introduction to engineering management. Topics include financial principles, management of innovation, engineering project planning and control, human factors, career planning, patents, and technical strategy. The case study method of instruction in this course emphasizes student participation in class discussion.
This course serves as an introduction to engineering management. Topics include financial principles, management of innovation, engineering project planning and control, human factors, career planning, patents, and technical strategy. The case study method of instruction in this course emphasizes student participation in class discussion.
8. Automatic Speech Recognition MIT Course
Introduces students to the rapidly developing field of automatic speech recognition.
Introduces students to the rapidly developing field of automatic speech recognition.
9. Physics of Micro fabrication: Front End Processing , MIT Course
This course is offered to graduates and focuses on understanding the fundamental principles of the "front-end" processes used in the fabrication of devices for silicon integrated circuits.
This course is offered to graduates and focuses on understanding the fundamental principles of the "front-end" processes used in the fabrication of devices for silicon integrated circuits.
10. Introduction to Microelectronic Circuits , UC Berkeley
This course covers the basic concept of Microelectronic Circuits.
This course covers the basic concept of Microelectronic Circuits.
11. Introduction to Digital Integrated Circuits , UC Berkeley
The course covers the concepts of Digital Integrated Circuit.
The course covers the concepts of Digital Integrated Circuit.
12. Microelectronic Devices and Circuits , UC Berkeley
The course include topics : modelling of microelectronic devices, basic microelectronic circuit analysis and design, physical electronics of semiconductor junction and MOS devices, relation of electrical behaviour to internal physical processes, development of circuit models, and understanding the uses and limitations of various models.
The course include topics : modelling of microelectronic devices, basic microelectronic circuit analysis and design, physical electronics of semiconductor junction and MOS devices, relation of electrical behaviour to internal physical processes, development of circuit models, and understanding the uses and limitations of various models.
13. Structure and Interpretation of Systems and Signals , UC Berkeley
Topics Covered: Signals and Systems, Determinism, Composition, Linearity, Responses and Hybrid Systems. Frequency Domain, Response and Filtering etc
Topics Covered: Signals and Systems, Determinism, Composition, Linearity, Responses and Hybrid Systems. Frequency Domain, Response and Filtering etc
14. Analysis and Design of VLSI Analog-Digital Interface Integrated C , UC Berkeley The course covers architectural and circuit level design and analysis of integrated analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog interfaces in CMOS and BiCMOS VLSI technology. Analog-digital converters, digital-analog converters, sample/hold amplifiers, continuous and switched-capacitor filters. RF integrated electronics including synthesizers, LNA's, and baseband processing. Low power mixed signal design. Data communications functions including clock recovery. CAD tools for analog design including simulation and synthesis.
15. Microelectromechanical Systems , UC Berkeley
Parametric design and optimal design will be applied to MEMS, with an emphasis on design and not on fabrication. The format of the course will be oriented toward design projects. The student will learn to rigorously formulate MEMS design problems analytically and then determine the correct dimensions of MEMS structures so that the specified function is achieved.
Parametric design and optimal design will be applied to MEMS, with an emphasis on design and not on fabrication. The format of the course will be oriented toward design projects. The student will learn to rigorously formulate MEMS design problems analytically and then determine the correct dimensions of MEMS structures so that the specified function is achieved.
16. Introduction to MEMS Design , UC Berkeley
Introduction, Basic IC/MEMS Fabrication, Deposition, Etching, Surface & Bulk Micromachining, Beams, Gaps, Resonators; better approximations: Parallel Plates, Couette Damping, Squeeze Film Damping, Effective Mass, Electrostatic, Electrostatic Pull-in, Thermal Conductivity , Thermal Capacity, Thermal Time Constant; Foundry Process.
Introduction, Basic IC/MEMS Fabrication, Deposition, Etching, Surface & Bulk Micromachining, Beams, Gaps, Resonators; better approximations: Parallel Plates, Couette Damping, Squeeze Film Damping, Effective Mass, Electrostatic, Electrostatic Pull-in, Thermal Conductivity , Thermal Capacity, Thermal Time Constant; Foundry Process.
17. Integrated Circuits for Communications , UC Berkeley
Intro to Communication Circuits; High-Speed Amplifiers and tuned Amplifiers; Two-Port Power Gain and Stability; Matching Networks; Distortion; Noise in Communication Systems; LNA Design; Mixers: BJT/MOS Mixers, Noise and Passive Mixers; LC oscillators, Steady State Analysis, Oscillator Phase Noise; Power Amplifiers; Frequency Synthesizers.
Intro to Communication Circuits; High-Speed Amplifiers and tuned Amplifiers; Two-Port Power Gain and Stability; Matching Networks; Distortion; Noise in Communication Systems; LNA Design; Mixers: BJT/MOS Mixers, Noise and Passive Mixers; LC oscillators, Steady State Analysis, Oscillator Phase Noise; Power Amplifiers; Frequency Synthesizers.
18. Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems , Jack Baskin School of Engineering
This course is based on the Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems .Linear Dynamical Systems(sometimes also called Linear Operator Theory refers to a mathematical representation of a physical system that can be represented by a set of 1st order differential equations or 1st order difference (or recursion) equations for discrete time systems.
This course is based on the Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems .Linear Dynamical Systems(sometimes also called Linear Operator Theory refers to a mathematical representation of a physical system that can be represented by a set of 1st order differential equations or 1st order difference (or recursion) equations for discrete time systems.
19. Electronic Transport in Semiconductors , nanoHUB Courses
This course develops a basic understanding of the theory of charge carrier transport in semiconductors and semiconductor devices and an ability to apply it to the anslysis of experiments and devices.
This course develops a basic understanding of the theory of charge carrier transport in semiconductors and semiconductor devices and an ability to apply it to the anslysis of experiments and devices.
20. Computational Electronics , nanoHUB Courses
The Objective of this course is to introduce the students to all semi-classical semiconductor device modelling techniques that are implemented in either commercial or publicly available software.
The Objective of this course is to introduce the students to all semi-classical semiconductor device modelling techniques that are implemented in either commercial or publicly available software.
21. Introduction to Nanotechnology , nanoHUB Courses
An introduction to the emerging area of nanotechnology will be studied. The primary focus will be on the technologies of nanotechnology, with specific emphasis on electronics and electrical measurements. Instruments and techniques used in nanotechnology will be described and explored which include but are not limited to scanning probe microscopy, surface analysis and electron microscopy.
An introduction to the emerging area of nanotechnology will be studied. The primary focus will be on the technologies of nanotechnology, with specific emphasis on electronics and electrical measurements. Instruments and techniques used in nanotechnology will be described and explored which include but are not limited to scanning probe microscopy, surface analysis and electron microscopy.
22. Principles of Semiconductor Devices , nanoHUB Courses
This course is divided is divided in three parts. Part 1 of this course covers the basics of current flow though solid state semiconductor devices can be understood by using some elementary concepts of quantum- and statistical-mechanics. In Part 2 you will use this framework to analyze bipolar-transistors. And in Part 3you will do the same for MOSFETs.
This course is divided is divided in three parts. Part 1 of this course covers the basics of current flow though solid state semiconductor devices can be understood by using some elementary concepts of quantum- and statistical-mechanics. In Part 2 you will use this framework to analyze bipolar-transistors. And in Part 3you will do the same for MOSFETs.
23. Nanophotonics , nanoHUB Courses
The course will cover nanoscale processes and devices and their applications for manipulating light on the nanoscale.
The course will cover nanoscale processes and devices and their applications for manipulating light on the nanoscale.
24. Quantum Mechanics for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology , University of Illinois
This course will discuss the foundations and specific methods of quantum mechanics that apply more directly to problems arising in nano-technology and that are related to nano-electronics, nano-electro-mechanics or even certain nano-biological problems such as transport in ion channels.
This course will discuss the foundations and specific methods of quantum mechanics that apply more directly to problems arising in nano-technology and that are related to nano-electronics, nano-electro-mechanics or even certain nano-biological problems such as transport in ion channels.
25. Microwave Circuit Design , University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
An introduction to the design and analysis of active and passive microwave circuits.
An introduction to the design and analysis of active and passive microwave circuits.
26. Real-Time Digital Signal Processing , University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
An introduction into the design, development, and implementation of signal processing algorithms on real-time hardware targets.
An introduction into the design, development, and implementation of signal processing algorithms on real-time hardware targets.
27. Modern Digital Signal Processing , University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Study of linear discrete-time systems, linear difference equations, Z-transforms, discrete Fourier transform, fast Fourier transform, sensitivity discrete random processes, quantization effects and design related concepts.
Study of linear discrete-time systems, linear difference equations, Z-transforms, discrete Fourier transform, fast Fourier transform, sensitivity discrete random processes, quantization effects and design related concepts.
28. Statistical Signal Processing , University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Concepts of signal processing using random signals; random vectors, random processes, signal modelling, Levinson recursion, Wiener filtering, spectrum estimation, and detection theory.
Concepts of signal processing using random signals; random vectors, random processes, signal modelling, Levinson recursion, Wiener filtering, spectrum estimation, and detection theory.
29. Introduction to Signal and Systems , University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
Mathematical representation of signals and systems; spectrum representation; representation of signals by sample values; discrete-time filter characterization and response; the z-transform; continuous-time signals and linear, time-invariant systems; frequency response; continuous-time Fourier transform and application to system analysis. MATLAB basics with application to signals and systems.
Mathematical representation of signals and systems; spectrum representation; representation of signals by sample values; discrete-time filter characterization and response; the z-transform; continuous-time signals and linear, time-invariant systems; frequency response; continuous-time Fourier transform and application to system analysis. MATLAB basics with application to signals and systems.
30. Electromagnetic Fields , NPTEL Course
The course covers the concepts of Electromagnetic Fields at Undergrad level.
The course covers the concepts of Electromagnetic Fields at Undergrad level.
31. VLSI Circuits , NPTEL Course
The course gives basic concepts of VLSI Circuits.
The course gives basic concepts of VLSI Circuits.
32. Analog ICs , NPTEL Course
Lecture Series on Analog ICs by Prof. K.Radhakrishna Rao , Department of Electrical Engineering,IITMadras. For more details on NPTEL visit NPTEL.
Lecture Series on Analog ICs by Prof. K.Radhakrishna Rao , Department of Electrical Engineering,IITMadras. For more details on NPTEL visit NPTEL.
33. Embedded Systems , NPTEL
The course covers details concepts of Embedded Systems.
The course covers details concepts of Embedded Systems.
34. Wireless Communication , NPTEL
The course contains 10 video lectures that that gives concepts about Wireless Communication.
The course contains 10 video lectures that that gives concepts about Wireless Communication.
35. The Fourier Transforms and Its Applications , Stanford Course
The Fourier Transforms and its Applications (EE 261). The Fourier transform is a tool for solving physical problems. In this course the emphasis is on relating the theoretical principles to solving practical engineering and science problems.
The Fourier Transforms and its Applications (EE 261). The Fourier transform is a tool for solving physical problems. In this course the emphasis is on relating the theoretical principles to solving practical engineering and science problems.
36. Linear Dynamical Systems , Stanford Course
Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems (EE263) is the introduction to applied linear algebra and linear dynamical systems, with applications to circuits, signal processing, communications, and control systems.
Introduction to Linear Dynamical Systems (EE263) is the introduction to applied linear algebra and linear dynamical systems, with applications to circuits, signal processing, communications, and control systems.
37. Convex Optimization , Stanford Course
The course covers the topics of Convex Optimization at undergrad level.
The course covers the topics of Convex Optimization at undergrad level.
38. Industrial Automation and Control , NPTEL
Lecture Series on Industrial Automation and Control by Prof. S. Mukhopadhyay, Dept.of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur.
Lecture Series on Industrial Automation and Control by Prof. S. Mukhopadhyay, Dept.of Electrical Engineering, IIT Kharagpur.
39. Power Systems Analysis , NPTEL
The main goal of the course is to quickly review and then advance the student's existing knowledge of power systems analysis.
The main goal of the course is to quickly review and then advance the student's existing knowledge of power systems analysis.
40. Energy Resources & Technology , NPTEL
The course contains 10 video lectures that that gives concepts about Energy Resources & Technology.
The course contains 10 video lectures that that gives concepts about Energy Resources & Technology.
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40 Free Online Courses For Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Reviewed by SpOOn
September 20, 2017

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